Parsnips have a nutty, peppery, sweet flavor that you just won’t find in any other veggie. They are good pretty much any way that you want to make them: roasted, baked, fried, sautéed, mashed, and they are awesome in deserts (a lot like it’s cousin the carrot). Parsnips have historically […]
Overwhelmed and under paid, and to top it off you have to deal with medical bill collections. No one wants to deal with collections departments, however if you know how to negotiate you may be able to resolve your unpaid hospital bills. The goal of the collector is to recover […]
As you realized that our vision is the window of the world. This saying is merely to describe how important our eyes are. Attention to all eye sufferers! What are you going to do to improve your vision? I bet you will try any ways to heal your eye problems […]
Mineral oil is an ingredient widely found in skin care cream and other skin care products. But is it a good choice or could it actually harm your skin? What are the benefits and the disadvantages of mineral oil in your skin care cream? What is Mineral Oil? It is […]
UFO or Pool Game Training Device? What in the heck is that thing? At least that’s was my reaction the first time I saw this triangular U.F.O. looking thing sitting on the rail. I assumed we were moving on to Tazer/Shock therapy for missing shots. Turns out it’s not a […]
Food and nutrition is an extremely important aspect of good health in addition to a regular exercise regimen. It is necessary to eat right; right foods in the right amounts to feel good and stay fit and healthy. So let us take a look at food nutrition and how to […]