Getting more info about the persons you deal with is a very important thing that you should do. It is very important to know more about the background of your new employees because they will have access to the secrets of your business and you need to make sure that they are trustworthy. Employment background check is the only thing that can help you ensuring that your employee is dependable and fit in this job perfectly.
When a new employee applies for a job in your company, he or she will submit a resume containing some vital information. You need to make sure that all the information submitted are right, that will help you choose the right employee for your company.
The employment background check includes checking several aspects of the employee life. The first part is checking the personal information submitted. You need to know if the name is real; the Social Security Number (SSN) is valid and belongs to the same person, the address and previous addresses and the marital status of your employee. Even though some of this information may not affect the qualification of your employee but, submitting false information to the employer means that the employee has something to hide.
The second part of these is the financial information. You can check your employee’s financial status to know if there were any bankruptcies fields before against your future employee or not. Although the financial status should not affect the employee chance in getting the job but, some special jobs like working in a bank or dealing with lot of cash money in hand may need someone boasting a good financial status.
The main part of these is the criminal record. The criminal record of the employee should show all the previous convictions, inmate periods spent in prison or any other similar sentences. The criminal record is a vital part of qualifying employees, especially those who work with kids or work in sensitive positions. Some states require the employment background check for every person applying for a job within its borders.
There are two main types of the employment background check processes. You can perform a free check over the internet to check for the simple and basic information of your employee. If you found that the employee is presenting false information or if the employee is applying for a sensitive job then you may need to apply for a paid employment background check to get all the available information about your employee.