Penis Enlargement and the Importance of a High Protein Diet

Would it surprise you to know that over 50% of males are unhappy with the size of their penises? If, in the past, you have felt embarrassed about your penis size, and have felt reluctant to talk about it, I hope that this piece of information helps to make you aware that you are by no means alone. It is not a subject for ridicule or embarrassment – far from it. Your penis size can really affect your quality of life, (your sex life especially), and when you feel that you are less than average in the size department, it often leads to feelings of despair and loss of self esteem.

The science of penis enlargement has come a long way in the past few years, and as well as a range of creams and ointments, pills and contraptions, diet is now also considered to play an important role in the enlargement process; particularly a high protein diet. In many ways it should come as no surprise, because when body builders enhance their body shapes and grow extra muscle, a high protein diet is always an important part of the mix.

In many ways, your penis “muscle” is no different to your other muscles. By exercising them regularly, you grow new muscle tissue and increase the girth of your arms and legs. The same can be said of your penis. With the right sort of exercise (jelqing for example), you can grow and expand penis tissue, and a high protein diet maximizes your body’s potential to do just that.

The penis exercise known as Jelqing has been around for many centuries and traces its origins back to the Arabic people. Jelqing is rather like “milking” your penis. By gripping your penis at its base and firmly squeezing, you trap the blood. Still squeezing firmly, you move your hand up your shaft towards the bulbous end that is known as the Corpora Cavernosa. This action forces the blood up your shaft and engorges the Corpora Cavernosa making it become enlarged. By repeating this exercise regularly several times a day, the enlargement begins to become permanent. It is a clinically acknowledged fact that such an enlargement is beneficial in terms of both length and girth.

When you feed your body on a high protein diet, you are giving it the ammunition that it needs to support this extra tissue growth and it makes any exercise far more beneficial in terms of building up any part of your body.

There are also a number of creams and ointments that are available on the market too. Most of them include a range of natural herbs, proteins and oils that can stimulate growth, but some are recommended for use prior to a jelqing exercise. In these cases they act as a pleasant lubricant, as well as growth agent. The act of jelqing serves to massage the cream into the penis, maximizing its absorption. You will also note that protein (as in a high protein diet), is also one of the ingredients.

Some men prefer to use some of the gadgets that are on the market to extend their penises. Most of these contraptions work either by gentle stretching process, or in some instances (penis pumps), they employ a vacuum. The principle is the same as jelqing in that they encourage the growth and expansion of penis tissue, and as previously stated, a high protein diet facilitates tissue growth.

So whatever method you choose to employ to enlarge your penis, you should also back it up by going on a high protein diet for the duration.

Michael Ortiz

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