The 3 Pillars of Success – The Next Great Advancement in Success Movement

The three pillars are a system that I have developed which comes from years of research & practice from Napoleon Hill’s teaching of the theory of success. Zig Zealar on his power to motivation mass group of people and Silver Raven Wolfe on her teachings of the mysticism and metaphysical practices. Each of their teachings is different, but there is a common thread in all of their teachings. I have taken there teaching have analyzed all these masters teachings and found what if we practiced on all three of what I call the 3 pillars of success? Would we take something good and turbocharge it into something great!

I have used these three models on myself and found even those I am working in a role that I don’t feel is the best fit for myself. I am becoming better and stronger or gain more success in what I am doing. I have been a practiced many other forms of success building such as Law of Attraction reading books from the above authors. Yes, it helped but was not the magic built that we all looking for.

What are the 3 pillars of success? Making you physically stronger, making you mentally stronger and making spiritually stronger. This is the key to success in anything that you do or want to do in life. Don’t forget to follow the teaching of Napoleon Hill one must follow his passion (heart), ones burring desires and have the commitment to your dreams. I will expand on each of these areas.

1. The physical: Do some form of physical activity (experiences) at least 3 times a week for at least 15 minutes. This is just a minimal amount more is better. Eat healthy food and try to avoid junk food. Make sure you get the sleep your body needs. Our society has overstressed the importance of the physical and under stress the importance of the mental and spiritual development.

2. The mental/emotional: If you can have some quiet time to envision what you really want. And envision that person, item, job, career, car or what you really want. You can light some candles, play some meditation music, burn some Incense. Do this for 15 minutes or longer a per day. Do positive affirmations such as “The universe gives me everything I need”, “I have the perfect career”, “I am worth $100,000.00 per year”. Be creative and make your own affirmations or search the internet for some more ideas.

3. The spiritual: For some attending a region ceremonial weekly is enough. For others, they have to experience the higher power and are the witness of this God/Creators/Universe/Spirit. Not all of the population is meant to walk in the path of psychic, healer or mystic. For the ones that are brave enough to experience the higher power, this is what you need to do? One will start with mediation, this is the key to opening yourself to the universe. Why do you think so many westerns are driven to the eastern religious? They seem more mystical in what do they do, they mediate! You will have to find the medication that is right for you. Don’t be scared try one if you don’t like it try another one until you find the one that is right for you. The one I find that is very powerful is call the white light meditation. You envision a white light ball of light above you see it going through your crown chakra and continue to go through all your 7 Charkas. You envision golden roots coming from your feet going into the ground and going to the center of the earth. Feel the energy coming from the ground and moving up from the ground and moving into your body and going into your heart Charka. Let it come out as a white mist and form a white ball around your body. Spin it in any direction. Say to yourself or out load I send my excuses healing energy to the universe or to the planet earth to service the higher or greater good. Have this ball of light keep spindling going faster and faster. Then let it explode and fee the energy leaving your body. Wait a few moments. Next, envision a ball of light forming around your (I like to change the colors of the light each day: red, orange, yellow/gold, green, pink, blue, purple, and white) spin it in different directions until you have 3 balls of light spinning around you in different directions. Try to do this daily. This will heal you and open up any blocked charkas. This will ground and protect you all at the same time. You’re also improving your Karma by sending out healing energy. When you start walking to the path of metaphysics the cosmic boggy man (Darkness, Evil, Demons, Devil) does not like you and will want to harm you. What if don’t know want you out of life? Pray for assistants, meditate on it, ask your spiritual guides or guardian angel for help. It will come to you. But you have to be open to the signs. The God/Creators/Universe/Spirit has a team that can be dispatched to aid you just have to ask.

The law of attraction is a good tool for opening you’re self to the universe. The law of attraction aka the Secret is using the positive thoughts, doing to others as you want to do to yourself. Treating others with respect and honor. Bring the energy of love, joy, gratitude, happiness, tolerance etc. Try to remove and eliminate negative thoughts such as hate, anger, jealousy, intolerance etc. Doing daily affectation, and mediation. Doing all this will start awakening you’re from the dream that we all live in and you will start experiencing spiritual world.

What else can you do to make the experience more powerful? Like I said the basics are already given. Have a place in your home you can start a holy altar. Place symbols that have a meaning to you. The basic candle color is white for God/Creators/Universe/Spirit. The yellow or gold candles will aid you to attract what you want. Green candles for healing and good luck. Pink is for love and Relationships. Red is the colors of fire and is used for acceleration and one seeing lust and sex.

The basic crystals are clear quartz is for improving energy, so you place it with another crystal or a set of crystals will amplify the energy. If you are looking for a good set to manifest this would be my personal recommendations Aventurine, Carnelian, Yellow Citrine and Clear Quartz. If you would be trying to attract love this would be the set I would recommend Moonstone, Prehnite, Quantum Quattro, Yellow Citrine and Rose Quartz. Don’t forget you can still use the clear crystal to amplifier these crystals. Everyone has a different opinion about clearing, charging, and programming crystals. One of the easy ways to use Selenite crystals to do the clearing and charging for you. The programming is what do you want the crystal(s) to do for you. It is placing your intentions into the crystal. You can speak to the crystal, you can pray over the crystal. You can envision your intention leaving your 3rd eye going into the crystal in the form of a beam light. You can write what you want on a piece of paper and roll each side of the crystal over the writing.

There is all type of information on candles, crystals, and incense on the web or a local metaphysical store. Reminder it is the not the crystals, candles or incense that do all the work it is you! So, do spend a lot of time or money buying that special candle, crystals or incense. Yes, they help! But some of my most powerful experience was without using the aids. This is discipline you have to train yourself to do this, if it does not work at first keep trying, it will work.

Let me give you little more background on myself. I have been working many years in call centers never like it, feeling drained and worn out. To me, it is the devils’ workshop! My solution was to get a better job outside of this call center environment. It seemed hard to find something better. And when I received something better what happened it did not last and I had to go back to the call center. By the way, college-educated graduated from a top 20 university and graduated with honors from another university. This should not be happening to me? I read a number of this book from the above authors and many others to help me fix my problem. It did come to me why I always seem to be gravitating to the call centers? It because you have to learn how to be the master and not the slave of this situation. Once you learn to become the master it, you will move on. This the teaching of Karmic law. I feel my purpose is to teach others these pillars of success and teach others how to heal themselves of the toxic environments that our society has created.

Michael Ortiz

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QC Kinetix Appoints Dr. Mitchell Sheinkop as National Medical Director

Fri Jan 17 , 2025
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QC Kinetix Appoints Dr. Mitchell Sheinkop as National Medical Director

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