A Short List of the Physical Requirements to Be a Model – Do You Really Have to Be Tall? Answer – No

If you’ve ever thought about modeling but were unsure if you could meet the physical requirements, you have come to the right place. The following will give you all the basics if it’s a good idea for you to proceed.

1) Nice complexion. A zit here or there generally will not count you out. However, if you have “problem skin” it will take a lot of time and money to “photoshop” it out thereby costing too much money. Most clients will not want to pay for this – or you.

2) A well toned body. Obviously, bulges of fat anywhere on your body will not work. Even a slim body can have flabby areas if the person is not working out.

3) Well proportioned body. Hopefully this does not need too much more explanation. Generally runway and editorial models are on the thinner side, while promotional models are more full figured and voluptuous. Figure out who you are before you apply to the agencies.

4) Symmetrical, well proportioned facial features. This requirement can be a little tricky because there is a greater diversity of looks in the modeling market than ever before. In general, don’t let anyone talk you out of submitting your photos to a modeling agency. Many “ugly ducklings” of youth blossomed into today’s modeling superstars.

5) The height issue is mainly one of age. There is no height requirement for children or actors. For teens and adults it’s above 5’6″ for women and 5’10 for men. For runway, girls must be at least 5′ 9″. If a person is under these heights then they can still consider petite modeling, (if they are a woman), promotional modeling, or acting.

6) Natural looking hair with a versatile cut. Unusual hair colors or cuts will immediately diminish your modeling chances.

7) Tattoos that can be easily covered up are generally no problem. However, large tattoos, or piercings that cannot easily be removed and covered up, will prevent clients from booking you.

8) What about being a “parts” model? That means just modeling your hands, feet, face, etc. The answer to this is basically forget it. Almost all agencies simply use their current models for these assignments.

9) And now a word about age. As our society gets older there are more modeling opportunities for older models. So don’t be hesitant to apply even into your 60s and 70s.

Michael Ortiz

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