Scientists at WITS university have discovered that biting your fingernails greatly increases your chances of heart disease. They also have seen a likelihood that you life expectance will be dramatically shortened to that of a heavy smoker. The heart problems are caused by Bacterial Endocarditis which is an infection of […]

A good night’s rest, in the form of a deep relaxing sleep, is essential to helping the body to recover from the stresses of the day and to prepare you for the rigors of tomorrow. If you engage in regular strenuous exercise, this sleep time is even more important, both […]

In recent years it appears there is a rising epidemic of people suffering from chronic digestive and autoimmune conditions. Food intolerance or sensitivities may lie at the root of the problem. Most people, including doctors, have little clue how foods they eat may be contributing to their chronic illness, fatigue […]

Maintaining good health involves eating and absorbing the right kind of foods. If you have been diagnosed as suffering from diabetes, it is essential that you develop an understanding as to what would be the correct diet. Diabetic nutrition is centered around controlling the amount of glucose or sugar in […]

It’s usually challenging to feed your kids healthy foods especially when you like dining out. Although, it’s challenging, it’s not impossible. All you need to do is to be choosy of the foods that you give your child when you are in a restaurant. Some of the best foods that […]

Free radicals can pose a major threat to our health because they have the potential to damage our body at the cellular level. But what exactly is a free radical? A free radical is an atom or molecule which contains an unpaired electron. Since electrons have a very strong tendency […]