Purely organic lawn care is not only safer for your family and pets, it is also better for the earth. Organic lawn care means not using harsh chemical fertilizers and pesticides on your lawn. People are beginning to understand the dangers of using chemicals on their gardens and lawns. They are not only hazardous to young children and pets; they are also dangerous to the birds and wild animals that pass through.
Chemical pesticides and herbicides (weed killers) can also make your drinking water polluted. Many people are now finding that it is necessary to add a water filtration system to their homes to remove the chemicals that have been sprayed on lawns and gardens. Purely organic lawn care products do not pose this danger. Using organic products like Soil Booster Seaweed Fertilizer or Quick Greening Blend can reduce the chemical contaminants that make their way into your ground water.
Soil Booster Blend is an organic fertilizer that works to nourish your lawn, re-energizing the soil and increasing both nitrogen and phosphorous. By using a purely organic product like this one, you actually strengthen your lawn from within, creating an open and welcoming environment for nutrients, oxygen and water to reach the roots of your grass and allowing them to absorb the nutrients they need.
It also makes clippings and other compost material break down more quickly. By working with the natural make up of your soil and your plants, you create a synergy that energizes lawn.
Many people consider bees to be pests. However, the news of the death of millions of bees is a huge concern to gardeners and farmers. Bees are one of nature’s pollinators and without them flowers and vegetables as well as some fruit trees will not produce the fruits and vegetables that we live on. Not to mention that there is no synthetic way to create honey.
The next time you are shopping for lawn care essentials look for the organic options available to you. They work just as well if not better than the chemical alternatives and they won’t harm your family. In most cases the purely organic lawn care products do not cost anymore than the chemical ones. Many people are now realizing the damage we have done to our earth; switching to organic products can help to undo some of the damage.