Best Premature Ejaculation Solution: 5 Different Options to Choose From

Anything that happens prematurely signifies abnormality and disorder. Consider for example; premature birth, death, graying of hair or premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is a very important sexual problem amongst men, because of the frequency with which it affects them. A good premature ejaculation solution is the need of the hour, and this article takes a close and detailed look at some of such solutions.

Solution # 1: DHEA
DHEA is the acronym of Dehydroepiandrosterone and is used for treating premature ejaculation. The DHEA supplements promise excellent benefits in men who are suffering from a lack of testosterone. DHEA proves to be beneficial because it is the building block for the hormones that control sexual functions in men.

But these supplements can cause many side effects like disturbance of natural hormone balance levels, acne and reduction of good cholesterol in blood

Solution # 2: Epimedium Herbal Remedy
Epimedium is another herbal remedy that is the component of numerous premature ejaculation supplements. While people tend to consider that herbal remedies are always safe, it is not always the case. This medicine is known to create side effects like thinning of blood, lowering of blood pressure etc.

Solution # 3: Gingko Biloba
Gingko Biloba is another herbal ingredient that is often used in treating premature ejaculation problems. While it is considered to have excellent effects and benefits in treating the early release of semen; it has also been found to benefit the sexual stamina and sperm count.

The side effects associated with this supplement is thinning of blood. This can lead to bleeding disorders and issues with clotting of blood.

Solution # 4: Depressants to control PE
Medications used to control depression can also control PE. These medications have an effect of delaying the timing of ejaculation, thus helping to last longer during intercourse.

Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac etc are some of the usually prescribed anti-depressants for PE. These medications belong to the SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) group. But the only problem with these medications is that they work in a somewhat delayed manner. The beneficial effects cannot be observed until 10-12 days of commencing the medication. In case the benefits are not visible by this time, the doctor may choose another anti-depressant called Anafranil which belongs to the tricyclic group.

It is very important to understand that anti-depressants are capable of delaying ejaculation timings as a result of their side effect and not as their actual useful effect on the body. It just means that you are trying to use a side-effect of this medication to favor your own benefit, and hence cannot be advised as a safe line of treatment.

Solution # 5: Topical creams and sprays
For people who do not want to experiment with internal medications or supplements; there are safer alternatives like sprays and creams. These products act by creating an anesthetic effect and thus delay the ejaculation.

Michael Ortiz

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