A Mind-Blowing Kettlebell Workout – The Kettlebell and Body Weight 300

The latest installment of the ‘300’ workout: the kettlebell and body weight 300!

The original ‘300’ workout was designed by Mark Twight for the cast of the movie 300. Interestingly, the original 300 workout was not one that was actually designed as a regular training routine for the actors; it was a occasional ‘test’ of physical condition and mental fortitude.

However, if you were to take a look at Mark Twight’s website, gymjones.com, you would see that the original 300 workout that’s circulated all over the internet is representative of the style of training that was used by the actors to get ready for the movie. Characteristic of this particular workout style would be full body movements performed in a non-stop, circuit-style fashion. And the pace is the true definition of intensity.

The following workout I put together was inspired by the original 300 workout; it uses just body weight exercises and one kettlebell. Here it is:

  • 20 Push-Ups
  • 20 Kettlebell Swings
  • 20 Sit-Ups
  • 20 Kettlebell Swings
  • 20 Squats

Perform this circuit three times through with as little rest as possible.

Now, it’s very important to consider that this workout is designed as a one-time challenge; it’s not to be done as a regular routine. Additionally, make sure to use perfect form when you’re doing each kettlebell exercise.

So if you’re trying to lose fat, get into better condition, or just add a fun and challenging workout in to your current routine, try the bodyweight and kettlebell 300. And keep training hard!

Michael Ortiz

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