This is one straightforward Qigong method originated by a Chinese physician Li Guang Po in China. Using this method, one is able to gain the level of small circulation in about a month. There are other more elaborate methods and people practicing them often end up failing to open up […]

It has been found that the traditional indicators of heart disease such as smoking, high cholesterol and high blood pressure account for about 50% of heart attacks. In trying to account for the rest the focus has moved to psychosocial factors – personality and behavior which give rise to stress […]

Sodium Humate is the compound of humic acid, which comes from deterioration of lignite, otherwise known as brown coal. This mix has many uses in several different industries. A couple of examples for what it is used for are the prohibiting of toxic metals in waste water. It is also […]

The need to get fit, lose weight and stay healthy is emphasized in the scientific and popular media alike. In all developed countries, the incidence of overweight and obesity is dramatically increasing, along with lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus. Beginning and maintaining an exercise program is […]