Basic Gutter Cleaning Guide

DIY Gutter Cleaning

While gutter cleaning is one of the most disliked house chores, you cannot avoid it at any cost. If you love your house and want to prevent it from damage, you will have to make gutter cleaning a ritual that you perform twice a year at least. If you are afraid of heights or do not feel that you can do the task, you can obviously opt for gutter cleaning services at a reasonable cost. Nonetheless, gutter cleaning is not such a complex job, and if you learn how to clean your gutters aptly, you will save your money and be able to perform the task easily.

The Need For Gutter Cleaning

Do you know what can be the effects of not cleaning your gutter? Clogged gutters can mess up with the water drainage and wreak havoc in various ways. They can end up leaking inside the building, damage the roofing, ruin the outlook, and even seep into the base of your house. Alternatively, the gutter can fill up with debris, grit and leaves, or even create an ice dam on your roof, and you surely wouldn’t want that; not to mention the unwelcome guests, i.e. mosquitoes and bugs. Thus, in order to prevent such a mess, it is vital to take action to clean your gutters at least twice a year.

The Cleaning Gear

If you decide to clean your roof gutter on your own, you need to have the appropriate gear. Get a trowel to scoop up leaves, moss, piled up debris and a bucket to transfer it all into. You will additionally need a ladder to reach the gutters. Ensure that the ladder is stably positioned at the ground. Heights can be dangerous, so it would be a good idea if you get a safety harness to wear, which can be attached to the roof when you decide to clean the gutter. When cleaning gutters, wear gloves so that you don’t contract any infection or allergy when your hands come in contact with any insects or debris in the gutters.

Where To Start From

Know the place where you are going to start from and figure out how you will continue until the entire gutter is cleaned. Some houses have a lower and upper set of gutters, so you will have to think of a route to efficiently clean your gutter.

Know How To Work Through Gutter Cleaning

1. Dig Through

It would be best if you start from a drain outlet, and start digging out debris from that point. As you move away from the drain outlet, scoop all that you collect into a bucket..

2. Clear Away The Drain Pipes

Don’t forget to ensure that the drainpipes are clear of any blockage. If they aren’t clean, try to blast water through. If that doesn’t work, use a tool called plumber’s snake to pull the clogged up stuff from the drainpipes.

3. Blast Through

Once all the debris is removed, use a high pressured nozzle to cap your water hose, and wash away the gutters working towards the draining outlet. If you find some dirt sticking to the gutter, use a scrub brush to scrape it off.

You are now fully aware on how you can clean your gutters.

Michael Ortiz

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