Hey, very important question for ya…you enjoy sex right? And for the most part, one of the most enjoyable elements of having sex is looking at the gorgeous woman that you’re on top of and saying “YES! She is hot!”
Am I wrong here but when it comes to overcoming premature ejaculation, why do people consistently tell you to ‘think about other things while you are having sex’?
Doesn’t that take away from the gratification of having sex in the first place?
There is a huge problem with this if the only way a guy can last longer in bed, is to look away and think about his taxes. But I’ll tell you why this is such ignorant advice…
Most of the advice like “Just use your imagination to think about something else every 5 minutes” is total crap because it’s coming from people who have no idea what it’s like to suffer from premature ejaculation.
And if we are on the same page here, and you know how frustrating it can be, then you know exactly how demeaning such advice can be.
But what if there was in fact a way to enjoy every single second and minute of sex, and actually think about it the whole entire time, and last for as long as you want?
Well there is! And all it involves is a series of exercises that are designed to strengthen your PC muscle so you re able to preform and last longer like never before. These exercises have been proven over and over again, and guys from all over the world are using them to last longer in bed and finally be able to THINK about sex while they are having it.